








International Webmasters Association

Email is a a curse and a blessing. It has forced the fax machine into virtual obsolescence and has had a major impact on normal post. We curse the stream of virus-ridden spam and ‘adult’ material, but it allows near-instantaneous communication at negligible cost, regardless of territorial boundary.

Each domain hosted with KHS DataSys benefits from FREE email services, including multiple POP3 mailboxes,  web-based email and unlimited mail forwarding.

KHS DataSys can provide the help and advice necessary to ensure that your email systems enhance your business, rather than let it down. Whether setting up anti-viral software to screen your incoming and outgoing email, or the supply and installation of a full internal mail server, we are at your disposal.

Clients first stepping into the world of ecommerce may elect to have their email forwarded to KHS DataSys. We will notify them of any valid incoming mail by fax, telephone or even SMS text message. This service is normally undertaken free of charge for the first few months, after which a small charge is applied.

N.B. To preserve the performance of our mail server for the benefit of all clients, we do not allow the sending of bulk email. All email addressed to more than 1,000 recipients will be rejected without notice.....

KHS DataSys - Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1787-466802